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About our Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Boost
Being the latest in the very long line of Call of Duty games, Black Ops 6 delivers a laundry list of changes that many players have been asking for from Treyarch for a very long time. Most of the same gameplay conventions lots of players have grown to know and love see a return during CoD's latest installation, including most of the classic weapons, challenging gameplay in both casual or ranked, and of course, the beloved Zombies gamemode. Although this might seem like an exact copy paste of prior games' generic "CoD Formula", there are some pretty significant changes this time around that'll keep the game feeling fresh, such as:
"Omnimovement" System - a complete movement overhaul for both Campaigns and Multiplayer, which allows for much more fluid movements and the ability to chain together different movements; this will make the game feel a lot more dynamic overall
Zombies Changes - alongside many classic maps, CoD Black Ops 6's zombies mode will release with two brand new maps, alongside the return of Round-Based Zombies and fan favorite mechanics like Perk a Colas and Gobblegums
Huge array of maps - at launch, Call of Duty Black Ops 6 has a total of 16 playable maps, 12 of which are core 6v6 maps, and 4 Strike maps which can be played in both 2v2 and 6v6
Return of the Traditional Prestige System - Black Ops 6 has also reintroduced more classic form of the Prestige System where players can once again reset their rank after reaching max Prestige
And more! However, for all the excitement this new game comes jam-packed with, there's also bound to be just as much grinding. Dozens of camos, a competitive ranked system, weapon & account leveling, calling cards and plenty more thigns to get make Black Ops 6 a game that can be just as grueling as it is fun to play.
Truth is, lots of us just don't have the time, energy or nerves to go on 12 hour long play sessions, mainlining coke and red bull in our jammies, calling people gamer words over XBOX dms when they've been camping the same staircase for 15 minutes, all while trying to juggle all the other stuff we've got on our minds. We know how it is.
And that's why we're here to help!
We here at BlazingBoost have one core goal, to help our fellow busy gamers make the most out of their game time without having to worry about wasting hundreds of hours on grinding, annoying gameplay or having to deal with the toxic people that are commonplace in current-day online lobbies.
And that's exactly why we've come up with our very own Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Boost services, all of which are tailor made to make sure you can get what you want through an intuitive, simple system that pairs you directly with your booster, offers full transparency along every step of the way, and guarantees nothing but the best in customer service, satisfaction, and treatment.
If that sounds like something you'd be interested in, then our 24/7 Customer Support Team would be more than happy to give you a hand in setting up your service. You can reach them through that little button on the bottom right hand corner of the screen.
How do your Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Boost services work?
Our Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Boosts are designed to be simple, intuitive and all-inclusive. To that end, most boosts follow a fairly simple formula:
- You select the Service you're interested in
- Select any Extra Options that might catch your eye
- Select your preferred Completion Method
- Select your preferred Completion Speed
- Complete your Transaction
After that, our 24/7 Customer Support Team will put you into direct contact with your booster, where you can schedule your service start or any other specific details about your order.
What's the difference between Selfplay and Piloted?
Our two Completion Methods are as follows:
- Selfplay is a completion method where you can play alongside your booster; if you pick a Ranked Boost, you'll be able to play with them in your team, for instance.
- Piloted, on the other hand, lets you take the back seat by letting your booster log into your account and pilot your character for the duration of the order, allowing you to simply log in and reap the rewards once they're done.
Are your Piloted services safe?
Of course! Although it might seem naturally sketchy to allow someone you do not know or trust on your account, you can rest assured that our boosters are among the most professional in the field, and are thorougly vetted before, during, and even after recruitment. We pride ourselves on our dedication towards customer service and satisfaction, so you can expect that we will always do our best to make sure your services are completed without a hitch, and that your account is kept safe should you choose to do them in Piloted mode.
On that note, our boosters will always set your account to Offline, never communicate with anyone for any reason, and will always log in using a VPN set to your location, just for that added bit of safety.