Refund policy
Cash Refunds
BLAZINGBOOST (SRL) offers a no-quibble full refund to all its customers within 14 days of a request for "immediate service", in addition to your legal rights, if the service has not been started yet.
For, services will be deemed to have started once a performer has been assigned to complete the service and tangible organization has ensued to start the completion of your service.
As a non-exhaustive example, a ‘levelling’ service will be deemed to have started once a levelling partner has accepted the assignment. In one of our departments, a VPN connection and setup could be used to grant more protection. This setup can be an indicator and proof that the service has started.
A Selfplay service will similarly be deemed to have started once a playing partner has accepted the assignment and the customer is in contact with the playing partner (i.e. coacher, etc).
When a service is purchased, a service level commitment will be offered and you will be notified of an estimated completion time through the purchase process on the website.
This will generally be within a range, e.g.: 1-3 days.
The upper limit of the range is considered to be the “Estimated Time”.
Once a service is deemed to have started, your right to a refund arises only after the expiration of DOUBLE the Estimated Time and only in the event that the service has not been fulfilled. Specific withdrawal rules are available at the bottom of this page for specific departments.
More detailed rules may also be available in the specific service page.
Your right to a refund is limited solely to the unfulfilled part of the service.
The level of fulfilment of the service will be agreed between us and you, according to reasonable evidence, and our agreement will not unreasonably be withheld.
We reserve the right under certain circumstances to issue refunds that comprise partially cash and partially credit where full refunds are not applicable. Where full refunds are not applicable, we will only consider refunds where there has been no evidence of material non-cooperation.
We always reserve the right to offer discretionary or ex-gratia refunds where, without prejudice, we consider the circumstances are appropriate.
Credit Refunds, after the expiry of the withdrawal period
We believe you always have the right to change your mind or change the service you require, even after the expiry of the withdrawal period. If a service is deemed to have started and is within its estimated completion time, and you change your mind, or change the service you require, we will issue a credit refund for the unfulfilled element of the service. Credit refunds are in the form of Blazing Points (“BP”) where 1 BP = 1€. BP are not transferrable or redeemable for cash.
Game accounts products
Game Accounts offered by BlazingBoost Srl, if existing in a game section, are to be intended as an accessing service to that account, and not as an ownership transfer, as the Game Account is not of property of BlazingBoost Srl. Any Game Account is owned by the videogame creator company, and is not transferrable in ownership by a third party seller. Therefore, BlazingBoost Srl holds no property rights and is only able to offer (and not guarantee) an access to that Game Account. Any protection policies on such Game Accounts, if offered by BlazingBoost Srl, have the purpose of offering a higher quality of service and can be considered active and binding only while BlazingBoost Srl is operating within that game’s section.
Policies applicability
Any of our company policies are applicable while the game section to which they refer to is still operating and active, able to generate product sales. In case of an interruption or stop of the game section’s activity, BlazingBoost Srl is obliged to issue a refund for all pending services of that game section that have not been completed yet, for the part of the order that has not been fulfilled. Completed orders cannot be refunded, and active policies shall be considered interrupted indefinitely.
Important game specific exceptions to the refund policy
World of Warcraft® Shadowlands
For World of Warcraft Shadowlands, the following specific rules also apply:
For Raids purchased from our calendar that do not start at the planned time, the customer is eligible for a cash refund if we can’t organize another raid within 24-48 hours. Blazingboost will do its best to schedule the customer again and compensations/bonuses may ensue according to the delay.
If you request a coaching service, a full cash refund will be issued in the event that we are unable to find a player to play, with the requested comp, within 3-4 days. Once you and the professional player have been put in touch, it is up to you both to schedule a time at which you can play together. If you are both, after using reasonable efforts, unable to schedule a time, we will issue a full cash refund in the event that we are unable to provide a different player with equal skill who can accommodate the times you specify.
For a prompt intervention and an applicability of these terms, Blazingboost must be informed in case of any issues with your Coaching team.
For Mythic+ services, we endeavour to ensure a timed completion so as not to deplete the in-game key. If the run fails, we will offer a further run free of charge, unless there is evidence of non-cooperation, or in any other way proof that you were the reason for the unsuccessful service.
If we cannot organise another run within 24hours, you may request a refund. We do however reserve the right to limit refunds in respect of very high keys e.g.: +20 Selfplay Timed. More details can be found in the specific Mythic+ services' description and rules.
For Gladiator and Rank 1 services, if completed in Account sharing mode, will be refunded if not completed by the end of the season. Accounts that are subject to disqualification or suspension for whatever reason do not qualify for refunds. We strongly advise Selfplay and Coaching services to avoid account disruption. We may contemplate fixed refund or compensation arrangements in the event of account disruption ONLY by express agreement in advance of any purchase.
For Title Guarantee services: These services last a whole season and may be assigned even a month before the PvP season ends (the boosters can wait for the 3v3 ladder to inflate.)
In case the character is created and successfully leveled up / geared without the Gladiator / R1 being completed by the end of the season, you agree that BlazingBoost might issue a PARTIAL REFUND (from 85% to 99%) in proportion to what was achieved for the new character.
Please ensure you read the description of Title Guarantee in depth.
If the character is created and successfully reaches Gladiator or Rank 1 but the rewards are forfeit for whatever reason, you agree that we are only required to issue a PARTIAL REFUND in the form of either a 75% Blazing Points refund or a 45% Cash Refund. The choice of refund shall be yours but will be available only within 20 days of delivery. Thereafter our obligation shall cease unless the Title Guarantee service in and of itself is in any way defective. Whilst we will always do our best to ensure that you retain your higher rated PvP character, you are reminded that you use our services at your risk and you have a responsibility to use your rewards responsibly so as to avoid forfeiture.
Afterwards, Blazingboost's responsibility generally ends.
We would point out that the Title Guarantee service takes a long time to complete. As such we advise against any purchase towards the end of the season. Any such purchase may not qualify for a full refund, instead we may agree to a postponement of the service, or compensation by way of substitution of an alternative service.
For suspensions related to Selfplay services that do not entail account sharing, you agree that Blazingboost is not obliged to issue a cash refund for any prior completed services or pending services, due to the unforeseeable nature of such suspensions and for the inherent total safety of Selfplay services. You agree that Blazingboost cannot control your own in-game activity and behavior that is outside of the service’s aim and purpose.
WoW Account purchases can be protected with a substitution of the account / character, with another of the same initial value, after an investigation from our Accounts Management team. Our warranty system shall be applied if it shall be confirmed that you have lost access to your purchased account for a fault that is not yours or not due to a lack of common diligence from your side.
Destiny 2
For Destiny 2, the following specific rules also apply:
For Trials of Osiris services, cash refunds can be issued in case you purchase a Trials of Osiris service during the weekend and it is not completed by the end of the rotation on Tuesdays.
In that case, you can:
receive a cash refund for the part of the service that was not completed in time
move your Trials service to the next weekend (compensations/bonuses may apply according to the case)
change your order into something else with a full Blazing Points (Credit) refund. Compensations may apply according to the case.
In case of price fluctuations, you agree that Blazingboost is not obliged to issue a cash refund for any price difference. Specifically, the price for Trials of Osiris services is subject to being volatile due to supply/demand over the weekend and the unforeseeable rewards that Blazingboost, alongside the whole playerbase, discover on Friday evenings with no prior warning.
Price fluctuations for preorders entail the customer to receive a Credit refund for the difference (if the price goes down). However, purchasing a preorder service at a higher price also grants higher priority and other benefits, hence why the topic shall always be discussed on Discord to find the best solution that suits your interests.
Blazingboost encourages Sherpa services for their 100% inherent safety. Therefore, in case of an action against your account for a Recovery (Account SHaring) service, Blazingboost is obliged to try to help the customer but reserves the right not to issue a cash refund.
In case of an account sharing suspension, any pending service that has not been assigned yet can be refunded in cash.
In case of an account sharing suspension, any pending service that has been assigned / started can only be refunded in credit.
For suspensions related to Sherpa services that do not entail account sharing, you agree that Blazingboost is not obliged to issue a cash refund for any prior completed services or pending services, due to the unforeseeable nature of such suspensions and for the inherent total safety of Sherpa services. You agree that Blazingboost cannot control your own in-game activity and behavior that is outside of the service’s aim and purpose. However, Blazingboost will always try to find a solution and support you.
World of Warcraft® Classic Era
For World of Warcraft Classic Era, the following specific rules also apply:
Account sharing in Classic can result in suspensions, particularly for high account sharing activity or high PvP rank boosts. You are reminded that you use our services at your risk. Classic accounts that are subject to disqualification or suspension for whatever reason do not qualify for refunds. We strongly advise Selfplay and Coaching services to avoid account disruption.
b. If your service TAKES LONGER than the estimated completion time provided for non-priority, priority, and super priority options, we will compensate you with discounts and bonuses at maximum level. Cash refunds for extra speed options are not guaranteed and may be offered on a case-by-case basis at our sole discretion. You agree that this is reasonable in view of the imprecise and unforeseeable duration of long-term services such as 1-60 levelling.
c. Account suspensions that arise as a result of Piloted levelling services do not qualify for full refunds although we will compensate at our discretion. If your service was partially completed, the remainder of the service will be refunded as a Blazing Points credit.
World of Warcraft® Classic TBC
In WoW Classic TBC, the following rules also apply:
Price fluctuations for preorders entail the customer to receive a Credit refund for the difference (if the price goes down). However, purchasing a preorder service at a higher price also grants higher priority and other benefits, hence why the topic shall always be discussed on Discord to find the best solution that suits your interests.
Blazingboost discourages Account Sharing services because of the inherent suspension risk. Therefore, Blazingboost is obliged to try to help the customer but reserves the right not to issue a cash refunds.
In case of an account sharing suspension, any pending service that has not been assigned yet can be refunded in cash.
In case of an account sharing suspension, any pending service that has been assigned / started can only be refunded in credit.
In case of a suspension for an Order a Character service AFTER the delivery, you agree that Blazingboost is not obliged to offer a cash refund, as we cannot control the actions carried out by you after receiving the new account.
In case of a suspension for an Order a Character service BEFORE the delivery, Blazingboost will offer a generic compensation or to start the service again with a new performer(with a specific compensation)
For suspensions related to Selfplay services that do not entail account sharing, you agree that Blazingboost is not obliged to issue a cash refund for any prior completed services or pending services, due to the unforeseeable nature of such suspensions and for the inherent total safety of Selfplay services. You agree that Blazingboost cannot control your own in-game activity and behavior that is outside of the service’s aim and purpose.