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Why Blazingboost for your WoW MoP Classic services?

Easy and Clean Refund Policy

We want you to shop with a peace of mind.

If you are unhappy about your assigned player or anything goes wrong, we will always refund or compensate you according to the case.

If the order has not been set up yet, you can ask for your money back. You are in control.

Strong Entry Barrier For Our Players

Our recruitment team is ran by professional players who play at a high level.

It is not very easy to join our roster, and to stay in it. We test our players quite often.

This guarantees a high quality of service, as we want to serve our customers with the best players the market has to offer.

Real Focus on Account Safety

We are obsessed in ensuring your account is as safe as possible, always. It's our #1 priority.

Our pros are screened. We check their gameplay and routinely test them. We take all possible measures to ensure there is no cheating, hacks, or exploits of any kind.

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About our WoW MOP Classic Boosting Services

More than 12 years after its initial launch, Mists of Pandaria is set to go live again in Summer 2025. It is highly regarded as a turning point in retail WoW, with the very first iteration of Mythic+ being introduced as Challenge Modes. The expansion is controversial among many veteran WoW players, while some loved it and others thought the game had completely changed. 

Regardless though, Mists of Pandaria Classic is highly anticipated, and WoW fans are eager to either play it for the very fist time, or re-live the expansion again from a new perspective. Many changes that are now a core part of the current retail WoW started in MOP, such as account-wide achievements, titles, mounts, and LFR. The latter was introduced during the last patch of Cataclysm, but became a fully fledged feature during MOP. 

The level cap was also raised to 90, a new playable race, the Pandaren, and a new class, Monk, was introduced. That means if you want to play Monk in MOP Classic, you will have to level it up all the way from level 1, and that is a grind that might be off-putting to a lot of players. 

If you want to enjoy everthing that MOP offers, but don't have the time or the energy to sink into the game, then we can surely help you out with any activity in Pandaria. Whether you're looking to skip the grind on leveling, beating the Challenge Modes, getting rare loot, or experiencing any of the dungeons and raids, our Professional players will ensure that you get what you need, so that you can enjoy the game however you want!