Level 60 Night Elf Hunter [EU] - Field Marshal + Epic 100% Ground Mount + Engineering 300/375
Level 70 Human Rogue [EU] - Tier 3 Bonyscythe 5/9 + Epic 100% Ground Mount / Flying Speed 60% + Herbalism 375/375 + Engineering 300/375 + First Aid 375/375
800 Gold (Total)
Realm: Earthshaker
- reqs & rules
How does this exactly work? What happens after purchasing?
After the purchase, we will need you to please add us at BlazingBoost Classic Accounts#2890.
We will give you access to the account you are browsing by passing you all the necessary login information. This allows you to have a fresh start in the game!
Can I trust you?
The best answer to this question is our Trustpilot at https://www.trustpilot.com/review/blazingboost.com
We have been in business for many years and you can shop with a peace of mind, as you can see what people think of our support and service experience. What makes Blazingboost stand out is the expertise in handling an issue – we will not run away from responsibilities and if you encounter a specific issue that falls within our very clear Terms of Service, we will never deny a refund or a new account. Our goal is to turn you into a happy customer who thinks positively of the experience you have had when chatting with our support or through the delivery process.
What can you buy in WoW Classic? Single characters or whole Battle Net accounts?
In WoW Classic, you can only buy accounts, as character cross-account transfers do not exist yet. Therefore, you would indirectly be gaining access to any other games or the Retail license of the account you are buying.
However, due to the grindy nature of Classic, in various occasions whole accounts will only have one character, hence why you are often ‘just’ buying a character.
What is the procedure if I buy a whole account?
If you buy an account, you will receive access to the full Battle.Net account of the seller. This includes any other games that the account may have. You will be able to change the email, password, and have access to the secret Q&A. You can also change the secret Q&A afterwards or hide the owner’s name in the BattleTag, creating a new Battle Tag indeed. In short, it is possible to totally reset the account’s identity!
How long does the delivery take?
The procedure itself takes 30 minutes or less! The whole delivery usually takes 1-36 hours. The ETA is slightly flexible because the seller has to be here to pass all the information. Seeing as we have a lot of ways to reach out to our sellers, the procedure is usually over in a few hours. If the seller is not answering even on the phone, we will face the situation together and find a solution. Refunds are certainly possible if we aren't able to give you the account you originally chose.
Do I get the owner's ID?
This is not included in the delivery for privacy reasons. We will assist you in case the ID is ever needed and do our best; you can always contact us to receive assistance if it’s in our power.
Are there any extra costs? What is included?
There simply are no extra costs – you gain access to the owner's former account and the delivery is very simple, as you only have to log in. If the account does not have gametime, we will give you a gametime key. This is a gift from us!
Why should I purchase a Classic account instead of a boost?
The explanation is simple. Classic orders take time, a 1-70 Leveling service requires MANY hours! Accounts, on the other hand, solve all of these headaches at the root. You buy, and you enjoy the account right away.
Do you trade accounts?
No, unfortunately, we don't for an internal policy. We've had bad experiences in the past.
What guarantees do I have when buying from Blazingboost?
We guarantee the account you are buying from us for a lifetime. If you lose access to it for a fault that is not yours (this will have to be proven), we will give you an account of the same original value.
I would like to resell the account to you and buy another one, can I do that?
Yes, contact us privately once this will happen. Please do not expect the same value.