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Apex Legends is a great game filled with all sorts of fun stuff: interesting and unique Legends, a highly competitive Ranked Ladder, engaging gunplay, unique abilities, sprawling maps, and more! But as good as Apex is, it is also a game whose ranked ladder is absolutely ridiculous to climb, not to mention grinding certain badges or leveling your battle pass. Even the most skillful players or iron-willed grinders can get bogged down by EA’s less-than-stellar balancing & matchmaking.

But where randoms and lacking luck fail you - BlazingBoost will not.

Want to get that twenty bomb badge for your main? Done - our Apex Legends Badge Boosts are so fast, you’ll have your badge before you can blink. Need a helping hand to level through your Seasonal Battle Pass? Ignore the grind with our Apex Legends Battle Pass Leveling section. 

Maybe you’re having a hard time getting unstuck from your rank because of questionably human teammates? Our elite, Predator Rank pros are here to help, cutting through the thick of it at our Apex Legends Ranked Boosting section. And if you’d rather carry yourself out of low elo instead of having someone else do it for you, our Apex Legends Coaching Services will help you pull up your bootstraps and beat the grind with your own two hands!

No need to break your monitor - BlazingBoost is here to save your time, your nerves, and your hardware!


How does apex ranked boosting work?

Apex Legends Ranked Boosting is a fairly simple process: first, you’ll need to select your current and desired ranks, after which you’ll be paired with up to two of our elite professional players who will then help you through whatever activity you’ve chosen-- be it coaching, ranked boosting, battle pass XP farming or collecting badges.

Each of these services can be completed either using account-sharing, or by playing with your pro(s).

Can I play with my pro in my Apex Legends rank boost?

Of course! Our Apex Legends Ranked Boosting section offers both account-sharing and play-with-your-pro style boosts.

Can I watch my pro if I buy an account sharing apex legends ranked boost?

Sure thing! One of our many extra options includes having the pro stream for you whenever they’re logged into your account (and provide a VOD of their gameplay after they’re finished), so that you can watch your rank rise live!

How do you rank up fast in Apex?

Simply put: by winning! Scoring kills is all well and good, but the best way to get the most points in the least amount of time is by staying alive, picking off easy targets and making sure you’re the last man standing-- or at least in the top three. With the help of our pros, getting to those end-game standoffs is practically guaranteed. Of course, all the kills you sweep up along the way will make the whole thing that much easier.

Is Apex Ranked boosting safe in Apex Legends?

For the most part, yes, although that depends on which sort of service you pick. Coaching and Play-with-your-pro style services (those that do not involve account sharing) are 100% safe-- no one has ever gotten banned for playing with someone else.

Account Sharing services, however, carry a small element of risk. Usually, this means a progress rollback or account suspension. Although we do everything that we can to keep your account safe, such as mandatory use of VPNs by our pros and syncing login times to avoid suspicious activity, we still cannot guarantee your safety if you choose to buy such services.

This is why we strongly encourage you to consider playing with your pro, as it is the far safer option and all but guarantees your account’s safety