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About our Tekken 8 Coaching services

Tekken 8 is an extremely expansive, complex and competitive game. Featuring 32 unique playable Fighters and a total of 30 ranks to climb, Tekken has no shortage of things to master. Even after you get the hang of your first character's basic moveset, combos and style of play, that's just the first step to truly mastering Tekken's gameplay loop. That's because, beyond just learning the ropes, you'll need to learn and develop:

  • 32 unique movesets, dozens of combos, hundreds of attack patterns and tricks
  • Literally hundreds of possible matchups
  • Difficult combo strings and moves
  • Quick reflexes, good gamesense and intuition
  • The capacity to start from Dan 1 every time you try a new character in Ranked

And much, much more. If that all sounds a little too overwhelming to tackle by yourself, then you've come to the right place: our Tekken 8 Coaching services are custom-built to ensure that any player can quickly break through any roadblocks along their path up the Ranked ladder. Conducted by thorougly vetted, professional Coaches, each of our services features a slightly different way to learn, be it from the barest basics to the most in-depth matchup analyses and pixel-perfect combo coaching, our team would be more than happy to help you along your path to the top.

If that sounds like something you'd be interested in, you can ask our dedicated 24/7 Customer Support Team over on LiveChat how to set your service up, or in case you need any more info about how our Tekken 8 Coaching is done. You can reach them through that little button on the bottom right hand corner of the screen.


What is Tekken 8 Coaching?

Tekken 8 is a game filled to the brim with things to learn. From Fighter movesets to giant combo strings & specific matchups, all of which shifts around with every step along your Ranked journey, there is an absoltue ocean of information players need to swim through if they're looking to reach the higher ranks, or beat people in the higher skilled public match brackets. That's where our TEKKEN 8 Coaching services come in - instead of struggling by yourself or getting mopped by smurfs, you can learn directly from some of the best players on the ladder!

What kinds of Tekken 8 Coaching services do you offer?

Since our primary goal is to help you learn and improve at the game, all of our services are tailor-made to ensure that you can customize your learning experience exactly how you'd like. In brief, we've got:

  • One on one hourly Coaching sessions with our elite coaches, which can help you quickly learn the ropes of whichever Fighter you choose, or teach you some more in-depth strats and specific matchups
  • Replay Analyses to qucikly pick apart every part of your match, from the smallest mistake to the biggest fumble, our pros will help you learn to overcome bad habits and improve your gameplay
  • Customizable Training courses that let you pick the exact tempo at which you'd like your coaching to take place. From the most Basic Training Course for players still learning the basics, Premium Training for more intermediate players, and finally, the Ultimate Training Course, to help skilled players push past their boundaries & reach the rank they deserve

How do your Tekken 8 Coaching services work?

While that largely depends on the specific service, all of our Tekken 8 Coaching offers feature some key similarities:

  • In-depth gameplay analysis, Fighter training and matchup coaching from experienced players
  • The ability to customize your order through Extra options and a wide variety of Training Plans
  • Dedicated Coaches that will help you learn at your own pace, be it from the most basic attacks all the way to dozen-button combos

In practical terms, each Coaching service takes place through our Chat, where you and your coach will be put into direct contact so you can chat, schedule your service or discuss how to continue with your learning. You'll be able to have them coach you in live games, custom matches, through VoD reviews or from the ground up, if you're looking to learn a new fighter, or refine your favorite and take your gameplay to the next level.