BlazingBoost The First Descendant
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External Components Farm in The First Descendant
1-3 hours Estimated Starting Time
Flexible according to the number of External Components chosen Estimated Completion Time

TFD External Components Farm

Enhance your stats and performance of your Descendant with TFD External Components Farming!


We'll farm up as many External Components as you could ever need!

Being one of the most important elements of progression in the First Descendant by increasing stats (mostly defensive ones), and thus making you much more resillient in combat, our TFD External Components Farm is built to get you plenty of them as quickly as possible.


  • Selected External Component(s) obtained for your Descendant
  • Various Materials and Currencies
  • Chance to get Amorphous Materials, Weapons & Equipment
  • Chance to get Weapon Proficiency experience
  • Descendant & Mastery XP
  • Everything else that drops during the service you get to keep, of course!


  • On this page, you can view the product's description and customize your order with Extra Options.
  • After purchasing, we need you to kindly provide us your order information (such as your email or account login info, for example).
  • In the meanwhile, we will get in touch with you on our website and discord to start working on your order! Our website's LiveChat can guide you on the way if you need help.
  • We will match you with a pro that fits your needs and organise the service's start, keeping you up to date!

Requirements & Rules


- Requiremets are different for every External Component. You can see from which activity the specific External Component drops by double checking it in the Access Info in the game. For some of them you just need to complete the campaign, while for some of them you need to have specific Void Intercept Bosses unlocked on Hard mode.

So before making a purchase, be sure to have the specific activity unlocked or you can write to us and we can do it for you, of course!


What happens right after purchasing?

We need you to please join this server Once you are there, search for "blazingboostTFD" and message us! A friend request is not needed to get in touch with us, especially because too many contact requests and acceptances may trigger Discord's anti spam bot.

What is an ETA?

All of our services have an "Estimated Time" of completion. It consists in the usual duration of the service which we have experienced with previous boosts of similar type. We love being honest with our customer base - it is impossible for us to be completely sure about the length of your service, but we will always do our best to stay within the Estimate Time by asking all of our available boosters!

When will you start? What should I expect?

Our internal systems allow us to quickly message our boosters who previously gave availability for this service type. As soon as we see your order, we will message our players. Soon afterwards, the order will be visible in our list of open orders to all of our boosters, to maximize the assignment speed. We are happy to say that we have dozens of people online throughout the day for most services, especially at peak time. As per the site rules, the ETA is the deadline that we impose to our players to finish the service. If they complete it earlier, they may obtain bonuses, hence why every player has the best reasons to start and finish your order ASAP!

What is your generic refund policy?

In general, you can always ask for a refund if the service has not been started yet, or change your order into something else with a credit refund.
As per our terms and conditions, the service is considered as started once a pro player has been found and the order has been organised. After the service's start, you can:

1. ask for a cash refund if we do not complete it within the Resets Deadlines you have selected (in that case, we are obliged to give you your money back for the part of the order that was not completed yet)

2. still change your order by requesting a credit refund

In any case, if you experience delays caused by us or our player, we will always offer you a compensation (partial refunds, future discounts, website credit, or similar) even if it is not a cash refund case. We are on your side!

Need a custom deal?

  • we suggest the right bundle for you
  • we can explain how any product works
  • we will build a custom service for you at the best price

Our reviews

More Info

About our TFD External Components Farming service:

The First Descendant, much like the other games in its genre, namely Destiny 2 and Warframe, features several parallel progression systems aimed at making your player character, or Descendant, progressively more and more powerful as you play the game. One of, if not the most important of these mechanics are External Components.

What are External Components?

External Components are pieces of additional gear that, when equipped, offer a variety of passive stat boosts to your Descendant. These stats are mostly defensive as they generally increase your Defence, HP, Shields, or give you additional Resistances to specific damage types depending on the External Component's randomly rolled stats.

Much like in other MMOs, TFD has a Rarity system, which also applies to External Components, and includes:

  • Standard External Components - The most basic kind, offering a marginal stat boost
  • Rare (Purple) External Components - A much better variant, offering significantly increased stats & defenses
  • Ultimate (Yellow) External Components - The best kind of gear in the game, offers greatly increased stats & survivability

Similarly to how set pieces function in other MMOs, External Components can either be standalone or come sets, which offer two bonuses, one for equipping two pieces of the set, and another for all 4.

But they can be a real bother to grind out, so instead of wasting your time trying to get those Ultimate set pieces, let us do it for you! Through our TFD External Components Farming service, you can get as many External Components as you want, for any slot, any Set, or any standalone piece. Should you need help setting your service up, our 24/7 Customer Support team is ready to help, you can reach them by clicking the little Live Chat button on the bottom right corner of the page.


What exactly are External Components?

To put it simply, External Components are a type of equippable gear item that boosts your Descendant's defensive stats, such as Shields, HP, Damage Type Resistances and so on. Since a lot of the later game enemies can dish out really heavy damage, it is very important to try and deck your Descendant out in the best defensive gear you can get your hands on, which in this case, would be a shiny new set of Ultimate External Components.

What kinds of External Components are there?

There are 4 types of External Components:

  • Auxiliary Power
  • Sensor
  • Memory
  • Processor

Although some External Components are stand-alone, there are others that, when combined in a set, grant you various set bonuses - this is extremely beneficial for your Descendant! Having the best External Components alongside your Reactor makes your Descendant a machine on the battlefield. If you need a good roll for your Reactor, you can check our Reactor Boost here.

Why should I buy a TFD External Components Farming service?

External Components are just as difficult to grind as they are important to your in-game progression. This goes double if you're looking for specific stat distributions, or trying to get the Ultimate variant of your desired set. It can take a very long time to get your gear in order, so instead of wasting countless hours getting burned out by grinding, our TFD External Components Farming service can help you enjoy your game while avoiding all of its more tedious elements.