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About our WoW Cataclysm RBG Boost Services

Rated Battlegrounds are the alternative PvP mode to Rated Arenas, which have sort of become the main thing that people think about when they hear the words "Rated PvP". Still, RBGs are certainly nothing to scoff at, offering huge Conquest rewards, a unique gameplay experience that you can't really find anywere else nowadays, and the chance to earn one of the most prestigious titles in all of World of Warcraft - the Hero of the Horde / Alliance.

And that goes double for Cata Classic, as many players remember the OG Cata as one of the best expansions for WoW PvP ever, a time when there was a good balance between all the classes, when all of the famous PvPers & Streaming personalities were still pugging around the ladder, and when everyone was still trying to figure out the best ways to progress in the super competitive PvP scene.

Not much has changed in that regard even now, following the release of Cataclysm Classic, almost 15 years since the original expansion's launch. The PvP is just as fun, just as competitive, and just as awesome as it was back in the day. Lots of people are nostalgic for the good old days of Cata PvP, and through our WoW Cataclysm RBG Boost, we seek to help you make the most out of your Cata Classic PvP experience.

We've created these services to help busy gamers get their goals done; especially since they're so much harder to do nowadays!

The game has changed considerably since 2009, and we don't mean that in terms of content alone, but the way people veiw and play it. Players overall have gotten a lot better than they were back in the day, and they're much more willing to metagame, stick to strictly meta group comps and look for only the best, most geared players when forming groups even at the lowest ratings. All of this results in a roster that is much more difficult to climb, and that takes a ton more time to even get into a match, nevermind reach 2k+ or Hero.

However, with our help, you can completely bypass all the annoying time-sinks involved and skip straight to the good stuff. By playing right alongside our elite boosters, you can experience that good old Cata PvP feeling again, without having to worry about getting flamed by toxic people in chat, kicked becuase you're one iLvL too low for their arbitrary standards, or just waiting in queue for hours at a timeAll it takes is a few clicks, and you'll be rolling right through tons of RBGs alongside some of the best players in your region.

If that sounds like something you'd be interested in, then our 24/7 Customer Support Team over on LiveChat can help you get your service set right up, or answer any other questions you might have. You can reach them through that little button on the bottom right hand corner of the screen.