gain rating, get better!
invest in your skillset
3v3 coaching
invest in your skillset
2v2 coaching

high availability
rated battlegrounds
win farming

gain rating, get better!
invest in your skillset
3v3 coaching

selfplay & pilot
play with rank 1 players
invest in your skillset
2v2 coaching

limited availability
Climb all the way to Gladiator
Arena title

limited availability
Represent your faction
Hero of the
selfplay & pilot
play any comp
3v3 arena
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in 12 years of experience
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About our WoW Cataclysm PvP Boost
During its initial release all the way back in 2009, Cataclysm was lauded as both one of the best, but at the same time, one of the most controversial expansions to date. Although opinions on the expansion remain mixed to this day, almost fifteen years after its original debut, there is no doubt that the majority of the playerbase still absolutely adores Cata, which can clearly be seen through the fact that WoW recently reached its all-time peak concurrent playercount across every region and game version, only a couple of months into the release of Cata Classic.
And no small portion of this popularity is due to its great PvP scene. Though PvP in Retail is all well and good, many players believe it has become saturated with overpowered group compositions, random one-shots and sweaty gameplay at every rating level, leaving them to prefer the slower, more methodical pace of PvP in Cataclysm Classic. What's more, veteran players might still feel some nostalgia for the good old days, when all the Arena legends were still scrapping around the PvP scene. PvP in Cata was an absolute blast, and judging by the numbers of people flocking back to its Classic re-release, it looks like the hype hasn't died down a smidge.
However, PvP in Cata was no cakewalk, which is twice as true now that there are so many more players on the ladder, and because the way people understand and play World of Warcraft has drastically changed since 2009. Min-maxing, meta gaming & tryharding group comps is a way bigger thing nowadays, which coupled with the overall skill level of all players increasing over the years due to more difficult content coming in with each expansion, makes climbing the PvP ladder that much harder, requiring more time and effort. And it gets even worse if you don't have a team - pugging is an absolute nightmare!
But no need to worry, because we've got your back!
Many of our own company staff members are themselves experienced players and hardcore PvPers, holding top tier titles like Gladiator across both Classic and Retail, so you can rest assured that we know very well how hard it can be, and the long hours it can take, to make real progress in rated PvP. And that's exactly why we've made our Wow Cataclysm Classic PvP services in a way that caters to our fellow busy gamers - people who might be skilled enough to get there on their own, but either have no time or patience for the horror show that is trying to pug rated PvP.
We offer a wide variety of services for anything and everything related to WoW Cata Classic PvP, including:
- Gladiator Boosts, to get your hands on one of the most prestigious titles in all of WoW
- Arena Coaching, to not only play with the best, but learn to become one of them
- Win Farming for both Arenas and RBGs, if you need some quick and easy Conquest, Rating, or PvP Gear
- Hero of the Alliance / Horde Titles, for those that prefer RBGs to competitive Arenas
And much more, all brought to you by some of the best players in every region. If trying your luck with them sounds like something you'd be interested in, then our 24/7 Customer Support Team over on LiveChat can help you get set right up. You can reach them through that little button on the bottom right hand corner of the screen.
How do your WoW Cataclysm Classic PvP Boost services work?
Although they might look complicated at a glance, all of our services are actually really simple - all you've got to do is pick what you want, be it Coaching, Arena Wins, a Glad boost or anything in between, then select whether you'd like it done in Selfplay or Piloted, and that's pretty much it.
After you've made your purchase, you'll be put into direct contact with the elite booster(s) that will be conducting your service, with whom you can arrange your starting time and figure out any other specifics you might have in mind. With that, you'll be all set to get whatever it is you ordered.
Are WoW Cata PvP Boost services safe?
For the vast majority of cases, more than 99%, yes, our WoW Classic Cataclysm PvP Boosting services are completely safe. Although Blizzard is occassionally known to ban people that boost or get boosted up the rated ladder, this is extremely rare, and usually happens when people are getting boosted at the absolute highest points of the rated ladder, at around Hero/Gladiator rating level.
It must be noted that although we offer services for both of those boosts, you should keep in mind that there is a disclaimer attached to both - stating that we cannot 100% guarrantee your account's safety if you choose to proceed with a service of that kind. Blizzard pays much closer attention to the top of the ladder than they do the rest of it, so naturally, they are much more likely to dole out suspensions to people at those points.
We advise you to carefully read our disclaimers and FAQs if you plan to buy WoW Cataclysm PvP Carries.
What's the difference between Selfplay and Piloted?
Selfplay and Piloted are our two main methods of service delivery. If the Selfplay option is selected, you'll be invited to play alongside your booster(s) with your own account and character. If Piloted is selected, you will be asked to provide your login details & authentication code to your booster, as they will be logging into your account to complete the service by playing your chosen character(s).
In terms of safety, they are both more or less just as safe as the other, with Selfplay naturally being slightly better as there is less risk of Blizzard noticing wildly different login locations on your account. This is no issue even in Piloted though, as all of our boosters always use a mandatory VPN when connecting to your account.