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About our WoW SoD Dungeons Boost services

Dungeons in WoW Season of Discovery remain a critical part of character progression, offering valuable loot, reputation gains, and dungeon-specific achievements. Whether you are leveling up, gearing for raids, or farming pre-BiS items, running dungeons is an unavoidable part of the grind.

However, finding a reliable group can be a nightmare. PUGs often disband after one wipe, tanks and healers are always in short supply, and the best dungeons are heavily farmed, leading to long queue times and wasted runs. Instead of waiting for a solid group or dealing with underperforming teammates, our WoW SoD Dungeons Boost ensures clean, efficient dungeon clears, saving you time and frustration.

Our boosting services cover all major SoD dungeons, including Blackrock Depths, Stratholme, Scholomance, and Upper Blackrock Spire, ensuring you secure the best dungeon rewards every run.

If that sounds like something you'd be interested in, then our 24/7 Customer Support Team can help you get it set right up. You can reach them through that little button on the bottom right hand corner of the screen.


What is a WoW SoD Dungeon Boost?

A WoW SoD Dungeon Boost is a service where our professional players carry you through dungeons, ensuring fast completion, guaranteed loot, and efficient farming. You can join the dungeon yourself (Selfplay) or have our team complete it for you (Piloted).

Which dungeons can I get boosted through?

We provide boosting services for all major Season of Discovery dungeons, including:

  • Blackrock Depths
  • Scholomance
  • Stratholme
  • Lower and Upper Blackrock Spire
  • Dire Maul
  • Zul’Farrak
  • Uldaman

No matter which dungeon you need, our boosting teams will secure your loot and reputation rewards efficiently.

Are WoW SoD Dungeon Boost services safe?

Yes! Our Selfplay boosting services are 100% safe, as you are playing your own character while receiving guidance and support from top-tier players. If you choose a Piloted run, we use a mandatory VPN to ensure that your account stays as safe as possible.

How long does a dungeon boost take?

Most dungeon boosts take under an hour, with full clears and loot farming available for extended sessions. If you need multiple dungeon runs, we can schedule them at your convenience.

Can I farm BiS gear through dungeon boosting?

Yes! Many pre-raid BiS items come from dungeon bosses and rare drops, making dungeon boosting the fastest way to gear up for higher-tier content. Instead of spending hours in LFG or hoping for a lucky roll, let our team secure your best-in-slot pieces quickly and efficiently.