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About our FFXIV Savage Raids Boosts

Final Fantasy XIV is an absolutely massive game. Featuring dozens of updates and five major expansions, the well of content just keeps on getting bigger, and almost none of that content can compare in both diffuculty and fun to FFXIV's end-game - Raiding.

Functioning similarly to other MMOs, Raids in FFXIV are huge PvE encounters where groups of up to 24 players battle powerful Boss enemies. Raids, as of Dawntrail, come in four modes:

  • Normal Mode - the default Raid Difficulty
  • Savage Raids - the more difficult raid variant and target end-game for most players
  • Alliance Raids - 24 man Boss gauntlets on-par with Normal Raids in terms of difficulty
  • Ultimate Raids - 8 man Boss Gauntlets featuring several bosses from prior raids at Savage Difficulty

And although the introduction of Ultimate Raids has made them the actual most difficult peice of content in the game, Savage Raids remain the most popular raid mode in the game, since they're often the target of most high-end players due to the great loot they drop. However, due to still being one of the most difficult activities in the game, Savage Raids can still be too hard for most players, especially if they don't have a dedicated team, min-maxed character build or high-level gear. 

But worry not, because we're here to help! Through our FFXIV Savage Raids Boost, you'll be able to clear any Savage Raid in the game without having to rely on random players or waste time trying to grind through each encounter. If this sounds like something that you'd be interested in, you can reach out to our 24/7 Customer Support Team over on LiveChat to have your service set up. You can contact them through that little button on the bottom right hand corner of the screen.


What are Raids in FFXIV?

Raids are Final Fantasy XIV's de-facto endgame; they are instanced encounters where groups of player face off against one (or more, depending on if they're Alliance or Ultimate Raids) powerful Boss enemy. Every Raid features a unique boss encounter, with new abilities, mechanics and loot, both functional and cosmetic glamour.

What are the difficulties of FFXIV's Raids?

Raids in FFXIV come in 4 varieties, those being:

  • Normal Raids - the default difficulty for all raid encounters, and thus, the easiest. These Raids are generally accessible to most of the playerbase, since their mechanics, although difficult and still requiring some skill to clear, are generally not nearly as lethal as in higher difficulties. Normal Raids are run by groups of up to 8 players.
  • Alliance Raids - large-scale 24 man activities that retain their Normal counterparts' difficulty, but instead of just one, they contain up to four boss encounters, which are fought by groups of eight players, then the whole raid at once.
  • Savage Raids - the true end game for most Raiders, Savage Raids are heightened difficulty versions of Normal Raids, and thus feature significantly more difficult Boss encounters, and also much, much better loot. 
  • Ultimate Raids - a recent addition to FFXIV's roster of raids, Ultimate Raids are intended to be step above Savage Raids in terms of difficulty, as they demand that players clear a gauntlet of Savage-difficulty bosses without a single wipe. If the whole group gets wiped, the entire Ultimate Raid resets, along with every single encounter cleared thus far.

Why should I buy a FFXIV Savage Raids Boost?

Being the primary target of most end-game raiders, and at once one of the most difficult activities in the entire game, Savage Raids can be quite hard to clear for most players, especially if they're going SOLO without a dedicated group that they can coordinate & play with. Even then, you'd need to be properly geared out, have very sharp gamesense and a lot of experience with both raiding in general, and the boss itself. It should be expected that you'd wipe time and time again before you learn all of the Raid's mechanics. 

From gearing to learning to finding a competent team, the entire process of running a Savage Raid can be quite time consuming, and very, very difficult. So instead of wasting your time going through the motions, give our FFXIV Savage Raids Boost a try to clear any Raid in the game, hassle free!