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WoW Carry - Service Requests

If you need any specific services completed for World of Warcraft that you couldn't find on our website, fill out the form, and we'll contact you to organize your WoW Carry swiftly. 

  • We analyse the request
  • Contact you
    on Discord or Email
  • Give you a price and
    potential service duration

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Insert Service description or Bundle proposal

How we’ll get in touch:

Via Discord at:


Through email:

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in 12 years of experience

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About our WoW Carry Service Requests

Being one of the longest running Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games to date, and by far the most played, the uncontested King of MMOs has more than enough content to back it's crown up. 

Over it's 20 year lifespan, World of Warcraft has accumulated hundreds of hours worth of gameplay spanning ten massive Expansions, and that’s just if you focus on the main activities - dungeons, raids, questing and the like. If you factor Mounts, Transmogs, Achievements, Current-Content Dungeoneering, Raiding or PvPing, then the game can easily take thousands of hours to ‘complete’, if such a thing is even still possible.

Even the most dedicated players, who’ve been playing since all the way back in 2004 don’t often have every bit of content cleared, much less the majority of players who’ve started their adventures far later.

It can be very easy to miss some minute point along the long list of things a completionist needs to do in World of Warcraft. And just like you can miss that random rabbit in Un’goro Crater when grinding out your Battle Pets, we can sometimes miss something in our vast array of services.

That is why we’ve come up with this page - to make sure you have a way to request something very specific that we might have left out, or omitted for one reason or another. You can freely note whatever you need, and after a brief consultation with our boosting team, we’ll figure out how to go about getting it done.

Feel free to reach out to our 24/7 Customer Support Team over on LiveChat if you aren’t sure if the thing you’re looking for is on the site, or for a helping hand in getting your Service Request set up. You can reach them through that little button on the bottom right hand corner of the screen.


What is a Service Request?

Service Requests are a way for you to create a custom order for something you couldn’t otherwise find on the site, or that is left out for some specific reason. Through the Service Request page, you can write down exactly what it is you’d like to get your hands on - from some super specific Transmog Item to an all-encompassing PvE bundle, or an obscure questline from 10 years ago that you just can’t quite get past.

For instance, maybe you’re having trouble completing your Glory of the Firelands Raider achievement because you don’t have anyone to help you with ‘Only the Penitent’, where you and one other player need to type /kneel in a very specific rhythm. In that case, you could write up a Service Request, and one of our boosters would surely be glad to help you get it done.

How do Service Requests work?

Though the page might look intimidating, our Service Requests are actually very simple. All you need to do is write down exactly what it is you’d like - the more detail, the better - after which our support team will go over your request and submit it to our roster of boosters, who will then bid on how much they’d be willing to complete it for. Of course, you’ll be notified of every single bid that comes in so that you may choose whichever one you think would be appropriate.

After that, we’ll create a custom payment link for your order, then put you into contact with the booster whose bid you accepted. From then on out, they’ll help you with whatever it is you might have ordered.