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About our WoW RBG Boosting Services

Rated Battlegrounds has been the ultimate way to play PvP competitively in World of Warcraft until the introduction of Battleground Blitz. It takes BGs to a whole new level, where players need to tackle each map with specific strategies, playing against their opponents' weakness. 

There are a lot of high-end achievements, titles and rewards tied to RBG's progression throughout a given season. In The War Within, you'd get seasonal titles, the Elite set, the 2.1K enchant, progress towards your Vicious Saddle, and the very sought after Hero of the Horde/Alliance titles just to name a few. 

If you want to take your Battlegrounds game to the next level in WoW, Rated Battlegrounds is where you make it more interesting and start proving yourself. You'd need a team of 10 people in order to queue for it, and it's usually very hard to form a competent team where you can enjoy playing PvP at a high level. 

Unless you have 9 other friends where you constantly play RBGs with, you will usually rely on random temmates from LFG, and the results are generally not very positive. You will end up with people who will leave mid-game because they got titled, they will create a toxic, negative overall attitude and you will most often than not, just not have fun. 

With the help of our Rated Battlegrounds Boosts in WoW, you will be playing with a professional RBG team that have achieved high ratings in previous seasons, and start pushing to your desired rating while having an amazing PvP experience.