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About our WoW PvP Boost Bundles

Player versus Player, or PvP for short, is one half of the big content coin every World of Warcraft player participates in. Everything from Rated & Unrated Arenas, Rated & Unrated Battlegrounds, Battleground Blitz, Solo Shuffle and everything in between falls under the greater PvP umbrella - it is everything and anything where you go about fighting other players in an instanced environment.

Needless to say, just like PvE, PvP has it's own competitive mode and progression system through Rated Arenas, BGs and Solo Shuffle. Winning Rated matches awards you with Conquest & Honor, which can be used to purchase powerful PvP specific gear that scales up to a higher iLvL during PvP content.

And since the PvP scene is so large and so varied, and there are dozens of services to choose from, we’ve come up with a few special, discounted Bundles to make it that much easier to reach your PvP goals.

With offers such as:

  • Gearing Bundles to quickly deck as many characters as you’d like out in competitive Conquest & Honor Gear
  • Arena Packages to get you to Rival in both 3v3s and 2v2s as fast as possible
  • Starter Packs to get you started on your Rated journey

And more! If that sounds like something you’d be interested in, then give our WoW PvP Boost Bundles page a look, and if something catches your eye, feel free to reach out to our 24/7 Customer Support Team over on LiveChat to get your service set up. You can reach them through that little button on the bottom right hand corner of the screen.