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About our WoW Gold selling services

Gold is by far the most important currency in the World of Warcraft, and you can bet that you'll be needing LOTs of it throughout your adventures. From repairs, to buying consumables, crafting mats and more. Gold makes the world go 'round.

Gold can be farmed in many ways; through selling items on the Auction House, vendoring gray items, through Professions, completing Quests, Weekly Activities, Dailies and more. The one thing that all of these methods have in common is that gold farming can take hundreds of hours depending on your RNG, and the daily changes in the value of items on the player market.

So instead of farming herbs in Hallowfall for hours at a time, why not get your gold straight from us?

BlazingBoost has been around for 12+ years, and during that time, we have not had a single case of customers being suspended due to getting gold from us, so you can rest assured that your account will be safe if you decide to give us a chance. Beyond that - we're cheap! We've got a team monitoring the price of Gold & WoW Tokens worldwide every single hour, all to make sure we've got a finger on the pulse of the market, and that we can offer fair prices to our customers.

Beyond all that, what we care about most, our #1 priority is your safety and satisfaction. To this end, we've come up with a brand new system called the 'In Game Booster Interaction' system, where you get to play the role of the booster to make your purchase seem like a legitimate (in Blizzard's eyes), in-game only transaction. By running through an arranged 'boost' with our sellers, we'll make it seem like you're getting paid to boost them, which will leave you with pockets full of completely clean gold, and zero RMT suspicion on Blizzard's end.

If that sounds like something you'd be interested in, then our 24/7 Customer Support Team would be more than happy to set your service up. You can reach them through that little button on the bottom right hand corner of the page.


How will I get my War Within gold?

We’ve got several methods of delivering the cheap WoW gold to your account, namely:

  • Direct Trading - where our trader will simply walk up to you and trade you the required amount of gold, though you may be asked to trade something in return, just to make it look a little more legit in case a GM decideds to be snoop around when the trade happens
  • Mail Trading - where our booster will simply send you all the gold that you’ve requested
  • Auction House Exchange - where you will put a specific item on the auction house, such as a Crafting Recipe, Battle Pet, BOE Item or something similar for the agreed-upon amount of gold, which our trader will then buy, making the whole thing seem like a legitimate Auction House interaction
  • Guild Bank - you will be invited to join a guild, where your purchased amount will be deposited in the guild bank, and you'll simply withdraw the amount on your character

You freely choose which delivery method you’d like to have your service completed in once you get paired with a trader. With unlimited cheap gold for sale, we can satisfy all of your financial needs in World of Warcraft! 

Is it safe to buy WoW Gold?

The short answer is yes. A lot of people buy gold in WoW on a daily basis, the overwhelming majority never face any issues or suspensions. The real risk lies with scammers and unreliable sources. Many sellers claim that buying gold is completely and 100% safe, which is simply not true. Buying gold does have risks, albeit very low. If you follow the guidance of our pro traders, and keep a low profile, then you should be fine most of the time. 

With that said, some players do receive penalties or suspensions for purchasing WoW gold, they are usually just gold removal and a short period of account suspension, but those are rare cases. 

Our policy is to always be transparent with our customers, and we don't want you to be misinformed. There are real scammers out there, and unreliable sellers that will try to take advantage of you. If you want a safe and a reliable source to purchase WoW gold from, then our Trustpilot can attest to that, so you can shop with a peace of mind.

What is the best website to buy gold in WoW?

Blazingboost is the safest source for your gold in World of Warcraft. We have been in business since 2012, and have served tens of thousands of happy customers. With more than 36,000 5-star reviews on Trustpilot, we are industry-leaders when it comes to customer satisfaction and safety. Your consumer legal rights are always respected, and we are not ones to shy away from refunds when something goes wrong.