UP to 1600 RATING
Selfplay duo queue
Up to 2400 rating

duo queue coaching

2400 rating + 25 wins
bgb blitz title
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in 12 years of experience
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About our Battleground Blitz Boosting Services
Battleground Blitz was made a permanent PvP mode in Dragonflight. It has since become one of the most played PvP activitiy in World of Warcraft and a favorite for many PvP players. It is pretty much a solo shuffle version for Battlegrounds.
Some of the maps featured in BGB are modified compared to their original versions, with Eye of the Storm having the most changes, Arathi Basin's bases are capped much faster now, and the stacks you get for carrying the flag in Warsong Gulch ticks much faster too, with new buffs and debuffs added in all the battlegrounds featured.
A typical Battleground Blitz match usually takes about 10 minutes, the main focus is to make the matches finish faster. It is a much different style compared to the slogfest that was Alterac Valley, for example. Team composition in BGBs are usually 2 healers, 5 DPS, and 1 tank, it can also be 2 healers and 6 DPS with 0 tanks too. You are able to solo queue, and duo queue, playing with a party of friends is not possible, yet.
Battleground Blitz has its own ladder, just like Arenas and Solo Shuffle, as well as unique Achievements, titles, and rewards that you can get such as the seasonal Strategist title, and the Forged Marshal/Warlord titles.
Just like any activity in World of Warcraft, playing with random teammates usually leads to frustration, and a failure in completing the objectives. BGB is no different than pugging for heroic raids or high M+ keys, you will certainly encounter some players that are just hindering your progress which will demotivate and stress you, making the activity not enjoyable.
You can play with a Pro PvP player in duo queue to ensure that you have a very strong teammate to rely on, and to make climbing the ladder much easier. With a WoW Battleground Blitz boost, we will guarantee your desired rating and ensure you get powerful PvP gear in the process, as well as honor and conquest points.
Which maps are available in Battleground Blitz in WoW?
Battleground Bltiz does not feature all the battlegrounds in World of Warcraft.
These are the following available maps:
- Warsong Gulch
- Twin Peaks
- Temple of Kotmogu
- Eye of the Storm
- Silvershard Mines
- Battle for Gilneas
- Arathi Basin
- Deepwing Gorge.
What kind of services do you offer for Battleground Blitz in WoW?
Generally speaking, our World of Warcraft Battleground Blitz boosts are done in 2 ways, either as Account Sharing, or as selfplay with pro players.
We always recommend you opt for the selfplay version of the services we provide due to the fact that selfplay services are much safer, and you will have a much better PvP experience when playing with Pro players.
Some services are only done through piloted, that is because of the way BGB works, since you cannot queue with a party. On top of that, a lot of gamers do not have the time any more, and they won't be able to invest hours upon hours on an activity, but do not want to miss out on the rewards. So a piloted mode definitely helps save time.
With our BGB Boosting services, we will guarantee your Strategist title, Forged Marshall or Warlord title, or any rating you desire.