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About our WoW Arena 2v2 Boost

Although largely overshadowed by their bigger brother, Rated 2v2 Arenas remain one of the most competitive places in World of Warcraft’s greater PvP scene. While most people prefer the tourney-backed, ‘main’ PvP gamemode that are rated 3v3s, 2v2 Arenas are most certainly nothing to scoff at, and in fact, can oftentimes be even more difficult to climb than the alternatives.

Since 2v2s are a lot more reliant on the skill of the two players in each team, with less cooldowns, resources and overall flexibility between them, each and every button press becomes that much more impactful, and every cooldown that much more precious. 

Even better, if you’re looking to deck yourself out in Conqueror Gear, 2v2’s are the best place to quickly grind currency, as on average, they are much quicker and give almost the same amount of it per win as 3v3s. However, without a dedicated partner, grinding out those wins can be really tough, especially with how competitive PvP tends to be around the first season of each expansion.

Not to worry - we’re here to help!

Through our World of Warcraft 2v2 Arena Boost, you can get matched up with an elite player who will help you enjoy your time PvPing without the annoyance of having to wrangle randoms in LFG, or dealing with constant team swaps, leavers and poor gameplay from your partner. 

If you’d like to play alongside one of these elite, gladiator-level players, and boost your 2v2 arena rating, then your best bet is to pick the Selfplay option, which will allow you to fight side by side with your pro until you reach your desired rating. And if you’d rather take a back seat and let our players do the heavy lifting, then picking Piloted would mean you simply log in after they’re done controlling your character to reap all the rewards of a high 2v2 Rating (including tons of Conquest and Honor!)

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, then feel free to send our 24/7 Customer Support Team over on LiveChat a quick message, and they’ll help you set your service right up. You can reach them through that little button on the bottom right hand corner of the screen.


How do your WoW 2v2 Arena Boost services work?

Depending on if you’ve picked Piloted or Selfplay, you’ll be matched with an elite PvP player that will either play alongside you for the duration of your service, or who will pilot your chosen character until the desired rating is reached.

That’s it! No strings attached. All you need to do is place your order, and you will be put into contact with your pro within the given ETA, or estimated time in which we’ll find you a booster.

What kinds of rewards can I get from playing 2v2 Arenas?

The most profitable part of 2v2s is the fact that you can very quickly grind Conquest in them, which is used to purchase the best PvP gear in the game. While in PvP activities (or the open world with War Mode on), Conquest Equipment scales all the way up to 639 Item Level.

Apart from that, you can earn the various seasonal rated arena titles such as Duelist, Combatant or Rival, as well as the associated Gladiator transmog appearances through this mode.

Can I get Gladiator through your WoW 2v2 Arena Boost?

No. You cannot get Gladiator in 2v2 Arenas, that’s an achievement tied exclusively to Rated 3v3 Arenas. We do, however, have several services for that, which you can find right here.

Are there any requirements I have to meet to use your 2v2 Arena Boosts?

Your chosen character needs to have at least a full set of adequately upgraded Honor Gear. Not having PvP-specific gear will make you extremely squishy, and the higher in rating you go, the more often the enemy will immediately blow you up if they notice that you do not have the requisite defenses to survive in PvP.

If you don’t have your Honor set yet, then no worries, all of our services include an extra ‘Honor Gear’ option, which guarantees that our boosters will help you get a full set of PvP Honor Gear before beginning your service proper.