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About our WoW Professions Boost services:

Following their overhaul during Dragonflight, Professions in WoW have gained a new life, and are once again some of the most useful mechanics in the game. As lots of unique Trinkets, Rings and upgradeable passive Armor Pieces & Weapons have been added to crafting professions’ repertoire, which can constantly be upgraded to keep up with one’s other gear, Crafting is now a viable way to gear in the game.

An interesting new addition to the War Within crafted items is the fact that some of them form two-piece sets, such as:

  • The Busy Bee’s Buckle, Reinforced Setae Flyers & Smoldering Pollen Hauberk for Mail users
  • The Weathered Stormfront Vest, Rolling Thunderstrike Talons & Rook Feather Wristwraps for Leather Wearers
  • The Binding of Binding & Fractured Gemstone Locket for all classes

There’s also plenty of Embellishments to look forward to, like the Pouch of Pocket Grenades or Blessed Weapon Grip, which will no doubt see tons of use by DPS classes. Alchemy is, as usual, a mainstay among crafters, since Flasks, Combat & Healing Potions will always be an invaluable and highly sought-after resource by all players once Dungeons, Raids & PvP come into full swing.

That isn’t to say that Gatherers are slacking, either, as you can certainly make a pretty penny snatching up skins, herbs or mining nodes, then either using the materials you acquire to craft your own gear, or sell them on the Auction House. Some of the most profitable early-expansion professions are, indeed, Gathering ones, since you’ll be getting a ton of materials while questing around Khaz’Algar.

Best of all, many Gathering professions go hand-in-hand with certain Crafting ones, such as:

  • Skinning with Leatherworking
  • Mining with Blacksmithing & Engineering
  • Herbalism with Alchemy
  • Enchanting with Inscription (and pretty much anything else)

And not to mention, due to the ease of transferring items between alts with how Warbands & the Warband Bank work, you can easily have one character that specializes in Gathering, who can then filter all of the mats they gather up to another that has crafting professions attached to it. If you’re the type to hand-level your alts, this can quickly turn to quite the lucrative business!

Moreover, as the expansion continues past it's first few weeks, people are going to be wanting their Epic crafted gear, not to mention extra Sockets, Embellishments and Re-crafts come later seasons. If you’re a learned Jewelcrafter, Scribe, Blacksmith, Tailor or have at least one of the other crafting professions fully leveled, you’ll easily be able to line your pockets with gold once you get all the crafting recipes unlocked.

But, getting the most out of your professions can take significant time following Dragonflight’s reworks as to how Professions are leveled, and how you unlock certain crafting recipes and upgrades to your gathering speed & quantity. Many players don’t ever even touch their professions past the first few days of an expansion since the grind to get them to max, much less make a profit from them, can be very tedious.

But that’s why we’ve come up with our very own WoW Professions Boost - to let you get the most out of your Professions without actually having to go through the trouble of leveling them or wasting time jumping through annoying hoops to get your recipes and upgrades. Our boosting services are also highly customizable, letting you select from a series of extra options that can quicken your professions boost by quite a bit.

For instance, you can spring for one of our Express options to reduce the raw time it would take to do your order, or request that the booster acquire specific Recipes, whether they should gather the materials themselves or use the Auction House, and many more. Above all, having us level your professions will save you tons of time, allowing you to focus on the fun parts of playing World of Warcraft without having to farm mats or go through long professions leveling guides.

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, you can reach out to our 24/7 Customer Support Team over on LiveChat to get your service set up. You can reach them through that little button on the bottom right corner of the screen.