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About our WoW Mythic plus boost & renting a Team or a Pro

While Mythic+ is essential to gearing up your character and do end-game acitivites, completing them with a random LFG group can be daunting. If you're forming your own team and missing a single member, finding the perfect one might be trickier than you think. Yea you can look at Raider IO, but these are often misleading and doesn't always reflect the player's abilities to actually perform in the dungeon

However, the vast majority of players will at one point be forced to join random teams in LFG because they don't need the key they have, or they don't have the required key they're after. You could potentially waste hours of your precious gaming time, and do no progress by just having teams disband left and right. 

Our WoW Mythic Plus boosts will provide you with either an entire team of 4 people, or a single Pro or your team if you're missing a single player and want to make sure to add a member that you can rely on. This way, you can ensure that your key will not be depleted, and you'll have a solid team of Pros who can guarantee that there won't be leavers, or major screw ups. 


What is a rent a team or a pro, how does this work?

Our Rent a Team or a Pro services will provide you with either a full team of 4 members to complete high M+ keys with you, or a single Pro if you and your friends already have a team, but are missing that final player. 

These services are designed to help you understand the dungeons better, and complete them efficiently opposed to rushing as many keys as possible. The elements of a dungeon and the way pulls are made start changing once you push high keys, with Tyrannical and Fortified added into the mix. 

The Pro team will ensure that you are aware of how each dungeon needs to be completed, what to focus on, where to BL, and what strategies to use in each and every one of them. 

Are your Mythic + boosts safe with rent a team and a pro?

Yes! These services are 100% safe because there is no account sharing involved. The vast majority of times, the LFG system is used to form the group to make it look more natural.