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PvE Loot Shower (Raids & M+) in WoW The War Within
1-8 hours Estimated Starting Time
10-15 hours Estimated Completion Time

PvE Loot Shower

Lots of loot from Heroic Raid & M+ the same week!


With this service, we will complete a full Nerub-Ar palace raid run in Heroic difficulty with 15 unsaved raiders (Loot sharing run). During the service, you will gain gear depending on your luck, as you will roll on loot against other customers. We will also complete five M+7 dungeons (timed runs) with two traders of your gear type.

Our goal is simple with this service - give you as much loot as possible!

This service is available through both Account Sharing and Self-play.


  • Full Nerub'Ar Palace (Heroic) Raid Run with 15 unsaved raiders
  • 5x M+7 dungeon runs with two traders of your gear type
  • Chance to get great loot from Heroic raid run and the chests at the end of the dungeons
  • Items traded to you in M+ dungeon runs
  • Harbinger Crests to upgrade your gear
  • Progress for your weekly Great Vault


  • Customize the service with gear traders, your dungeon role, and more. 
  • After purchasing, we need you to kindly provide us with your order information (such as your class for an example).
  • In the meanwhile, we will get in touch on Discord to start organizing your order! Our website's Live Chat can guide you on the way if you require help.
  • We will match you with a skilled player and create a group chat on Discord (which will remain anonymous if the service is Piloted). This allows you to coordinate the start of the service and stay updated throughout the process.


  • Our post-purchase customer support can always assist you in Discord DMs with any questions, 24/7!



  1. If you purchase a Timed run, we generally guarantee the key to be completed in time. Therefore, if the run is unsuccessful, Blazingboost is obliged to offer another run free of charge if there is proof that the customer has no fault in the unsuccessful run. Alternatively, if the customer constantly ninja pulled or died dozens of times, the run may be considered as completed anyway. This is case sensitive.
  2. If the customer deserves another free run and it cannot be organised within 24hours, the customer is able to ask for a full cash refund.
  3. For high and difficult keys (M+8 and higher in the first weeks of War Within Season 1), if the key is depleted and a new attempt cannot be organised again for free, you can ask for a refund in cash for the difference between the Timed and Non-timed price. If you accept Blazing Points, we will add an extra 10% to that amount. 
    This is because very high keys still give you a lot of score and rewards, even if depleted.
    Please keep in mind that our team has all the interest to get the key completed in time in order to be fully paid! 
  4. For the service to be completed without problems, it is generally suggested that the customer plays DPS. If you really wish to Heal or Tank your M+ boost, this is possible through the extra option.

Blazingboost raid loot strategies & rules

In this paragraph, we'll explain how we provide Raid Boosts in The War Within. Study time!

1. Loot Sharing Runs

This is the simplest but very effective type of Raid boost. You will have the cheapest price and a fast and smooth raid experience. During the service, you will gain gear depending on your luck, as you will roll against other customers. You can find them here.

2. Premium Loot Runs

These are raid services designed to maximize your gear drops. You can receive a real loot shower! You are currently browsing a Premium Loot Run. For these services, we offer two primary settings:

  • Full Gear Monopoly is the ultimate option if you're looking to gear up quickly. You will literally be the ONLY customer in the raid. If you wish, you can ask our raid leader to invite a couple of your friends, for free.
  • Armor & Token Priority means you will NOT have any competing customers to roll against on your Armor type, or Tier set tokens (according to your choice). These runs will have MAX 4 customers, and loot conflicts shall be minimized.

Let's make a few examples! If you are a Paladin and you only order Tier Set priority, you could be boosted with a Death Knight. You will both roll on Plate loot, but you will not conflict on tokens. On the other hand, if you order Armor & Token priority, a Death Knight can't be in your run. For Armor & Token priority runs, our raid organizers pursue one of these 12 combinations to ensure there are no Armor & Token conflicts


24/7 Customer Support

24/7 Customer Support

Have any questions? We're always here to help.

Reliable and Fast

Reliable and Fast

We will do everything in our power to organize & finish your order as soon as possible!

Requirements & Rules

  • The War Within expansion
  • Active WoW subscription
  • Level 80 character


How do we communicate?

There is a quick procedure to complete only on your first purchase!

  1. We need you to kindly join this Discord server,
    We call it the ‘Contact-Only’ server, as it allows you to message all of our support departments without a friend request (standard Discord settings allow you to message any contact that shares a server with you).
    Please note that this server looks empty on purpose for your privacy – nobody can see other server members, so you are completely anonymous.
  2. Once you have joined the server, you can message us at “blazingboostwarwithin”
  3. We will communicate directly so that all of our team can chat with you 24/7/365 with no downtime. Just like you're talking to a random friend!

You may also receive an invitation to the contact server via email if you cannot find us. In any case, the process is easy and fast. No worries!

Do I need to register in order to purchase an order?

Yes, as your account will gain discount points (“Blazing Points”) to use in the future. Every purchase you make generates credit on your account that you can use to drop the price on the cart!

Therefore, you can either make an account through the Register button or you can follow the ‘Quick Registration’ procedure on our cart. With a few clicks, you’ll be all set.

What is an ETA?

All of our services have an “Estimated Time of Arrival/Completion” or an ETA. It consists of the usual duration of the service which we have experienced with previous services of similar type. It is impossible for us to be completely sure about the length of your service, but we will always do our best to stay within the Estimated Time by asking all of our available pros and similar services!

We do not want to deceive you with an unrealistic delivery time; however, we also go out of our way to make sure your order is completed as quickly as possible. As soon as we see your order, all of our pros can apply to complete it, and we will also proactively message our most active and trusted players. After many years in business, we have developed lots of systems to start quickly, keep you updated, and compensate you in case of delays.

What is your Refund Policy?

You can check it out here

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