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About our Heroic Nerub’ar Palace Raid Clears

Nerub’ar Palace Heroic is the bread and butter for most dedicated World of Warcraft PvE players. Being the current Raid Tier for Season 1 of the War Within, Heroic runs of Nerub'ar Palace offer some of the best rewards in the game, namely Heroic Track Gear that can reach up to 626ilvl, alongside Tier Peices, Weapons and Trinkets of the same level.

Naturally, Heroic Difficulty is much, much more difficult than LFG or Normal, testing players with tougher mechanics, stronger enemies, and more complex mechanics. But with higher difficulty come far better rewards - all the way up to one of the most widely sought after seasonal achievements in the game - Ahead of the Curve.

AOTC is more than just a mere achievement, it is a badge of merit that shows you've cleared one of the most difficult peices of content available in the game, offering a lot more than a few achievement points and a fancy title. Getting AOTC can significantly boost your chances of getting invited into future LFG groups, both for the current and subsequent seasons.

But actually getting it can be really tough, especially nowadays, with LFG being in the horrible state that it is. Just getting an invite is rare enough, actually staying in the group, or better yet, preventing the group from falling apart at the first sign of trouble is that much tougher. Clearing HC can take a lot of time, effort, skill and a good deal of luck.

No worries though - we're here to help!

Our Heroic Nerub’ar Palace Raid Clears are tailor made to ensure you can clear the raid quickly, efficiently, and without a hint of stress. Whether you're looking to deck your toons out in top-tier gear, get your Heroic Track Tier Set together or to top-up your DPS through the Trinkets found throughout Nerub'ar, our boosters would be more than happy to help you get it done.

Here's just a few of the things we've got in store for you:

  • Full Raid Completions: We'll take you through each and every encounter from Ulgrax to Ansurek, letting you enjoy every second of raiding without any of the stress

  • Access to Top-Tier Gear: Heroic Nerub’ar Palace is one of the best sources for high-level gear, including unique Tier Set peices and other assorted Heroic Track loot, which can be upgraded to reach 626ilvl

  • Ahead of the Curve Achievement: Our boosters will help you earn your Ahead of the Curve achievement for Nerub'Ar Palace, earning you the Feat of Strength, Seasonal Mount and all the prestige they bring

  • Professional, highly disciplined and skilled boosters

  • Traders - members of our boosting team who aren't saved to the raid - who can be purchased to roll in your favor, maximizing your chances of getting gear drops

And more! Gone are the days of wasting your time and nerves pugging around LFG. Through our Heroic Nerub’ar Palace Raid Clears, you'll be able to get your desired activity done quickly, easily and hassle-free!

Ready to take on the Heroic difficulty of Nerub’ar Palace and claim your rewards? Contact our 24/7 Customer Support via LiveChat to book your raid run today, or if you've got any other questions that you'd like answered.


What is a Heroic Nerub’Ar Palace Raid Run?

Our Heroic Nerub’Ar Palace Raid Runs are the best way to clear one of the toughest bits of seasonal content in World of Warcraft - a Heroic Raid

Through this boost, you’ll be able to get your hands on powerful Hero Track gear, Tier Pieces, Trinkets and more, all done through highly customizable services that let you pick and choose exactly how you’d like your order completed. Here’s just a quick look at some of the extra options we offer:


  • Gear Traders who’ll roll in your favor every time an equippable item drops - should they win the roll, that piece of gear goes straight to you
  • Customizable Weekly Raid Subscriptions that let you schedule individual boss kills or entire raid runs ahead of time
  • Customizable Completion Methods, where you can choose to either fight side by side with your elite team through Selfplay, or let them do all the heavy lifting while you relax and watch as they Pilot your account
  • Getting some fast, safe and cheap Gold along the way

What sort of rewards can I get by buying a Heroic Nerub’Ar Palace Raid Run?

There’s a very long list of useful things you can get during one of our Clears, including:

  • Powerful Trinkets
  • Badass Looking Armor Sets
  • Heavy-hitting Weapons
  • Tier Set Pieces
  • Exceedingly Rare Mount Drops
  • A Tier Set Token for your first Clear

All the gear you’ll get during your boost will be at Heroic Track, meaning it will start at 610 iLvL and can be upgraded to 626 iLvL. This is the second best gear tier you can get, bested only by Mythic!

How many bosses does Nerub’Ar Palace Have?

Nerub’Ar palace contains a total of 8 boss encounters. In order, they are:

  • Ulgrax the Devourer
  • The Bloodbound horror
  • Sikran
  • Rasha’nan
  • Bloodtwister Ovi’nax
  • Nexus-Princess Ky’veza
  • The Silken Court: Anub’arash and Skeinspinner Takazj
  • And last but not least, Queen Ansurek

We advise you check out a Boss Guide or two before diving into your Heroic Raid Run, just so you can get that extra bit of experience before the boss starts swinging.