Estimated Starting Time Policy
We always want to start as soon as possible, but we don't want to lie to you.
At certain times of the day there are more pro players online (especially due to timezones), and pros are used to connect once they see a new service gets bought.
That's why our starting times are flexible.
It can happen very often that a 1-6h starting time service can even start after 20 minutes!
This is especially possible if you add Priority / Express options. Our pros will fight to take your order!
Fast Starting Time Feature 
To keep this under control, we connected our pro players to every single starting time. When many of them are ready FOR SURE, you will see a very short starting time of even 5-10 mins and it will be real!
Estimated Completion Time Policy
This timer corresponds to how long our pro player is generally expected to work on your order for (after they are fully setup and ready to start). This is an estimate.
What changes with Priority / Express options?
Our pro players will fight for your order, and must provide a higher speed in order to be paid more. You will get:
- Faster overall delivery time. Mouseover the option to find out!
- Higher priority as your order will be highlighted for all of us
- A higher speed standard that we will impose to our pros
If this is not respected, you can always get a refund on the extra cost.
However, in general, if our Starting / Completion time is surpassed, you can always expect a compensation from us.