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All of our pros regularly upload proofs (such as videos or alike) for every single PvE and PvP order completion. Even if our pros are routinely screened, our dedicated team still reviews every order.

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BlazingBoost Destiny 2
30th Anniversary - Build your bundle in Destiny 2
1-8h Estimated Starting Time
6-24 Hours Estimated Completion Time

30th Anniversary - Build your bundle

Choose the extra options to customize your service

We will complete the activities you have selected at the top through the checkboxes. All the services are related to the 30th Anniversary in Destiny 2. The available content rewards new weapons, exotics, and more. It includes a new dungeon, a 6 man activity, an Exotic rocket launcher, and all the prices are inherently discounted.


  • On this page, you can view the product's description and customize your order with Extra Options.
  • After purchasing, we need you to kindly provide us your order information (such as the Guardian you want us to complete the service on, for example).
  • In the meanwhile, we will get in touch on Discord to start working on your order! Our website's LiveChat can guide you on the way if you need help.
  • We will match you with a pro that fits your needs and organise the service's start, keeping you up to date!
  • If you buy a Sherpa service, we will create a group conference between you and your assigned pro, so you can schedule and meet each other in game. Sherpas are always recommended for 100% safety. 
  • If you buy a Recovery service, we will find a pro that will log on your account and start as soon as possible. You will be able to communicate with them directly through a Discord channel to exchange login codes.


  • In the meanwhile, our post-purchase support can always assist you in Discord DMs for any question, 24/7!

Requirements & Rules

In order to grant the maximum level of customization, this service can only be bought if one of the Dungeon Completion checkboxes is chosen at the top (Solo, Flawless, or Solo Flawless), which will add the custom price on top of the basic fee. Please contact our LiveChat if you have any questions!


Sherpa is the only way to be completely safe with these services. In light of Bungie's Tweet in March 2023, Recoveries can be targeted and banned. If you still want to proceed with a Recovery service, we will use a VPN to protect you as much as possible, as we will connect to your country. However, this is never going to be a bulletproof protection. Sherpa is heavily recommended, as you can learn, have fun, and save a lot of time by playing with great pros. 


  1. Current Season
  2. 30th Anniversary Pack
  3. 1945+ Power Level
  4. 2010+ Power Level (Only needed if the selected option is Master Dungeon)


Need a custom deal?

  • we suggest the right bundle for you
  • we can explain how any product works
  • we will build a custom service for you at the best price

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in 12 years of experience