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Get anything related to the 30th Anniversary on this page. Do you want a few runs of Dares of Eternity completed, or perhaps a few rolls of your favorite weapon but you simply don’t have the time? Getting a 30th Anniversary Boost is perfect for you in that case! From the cool Seal that was introduced to any weapon you’d like from the expansion, we’ve got you covered.


What is the 30th Anniversary?

The 30th Anniversary is an expansion added by Bungie celebrating the 30th year of Bungie being made. With this expansion came the new Dares of Eternity activity, a cool dungeon named Grasp of Avarice, and a new Seal commemorating Bungie’s past work named “Vidmaster”. Alongside that, our favorite exotic vendor named Xur also got his own rank system and shop just like Lord Shaxx, Zavala, and the Dredgen.

Why should I buy a 30th Anniversary Boost?

  • Players will be able to obtain several gear pieces introduced within the 30th Anniversary Expansion, both armor, and weapons.
  • Players will unlock various Triumphs bound to the 30th Anniversary.
  • Players will be able to unlock the Seal tied to the 30th Anniversary.

What are the requirements for getting a 30th Anniversary Boost in Destiny 2?

The only requirement would be owning the 30th Anniversary Expansion. 


Why is it difficult to earn 30th Anniversary Rewards in Destiny 2?

Getting specific rolls of weapons or specific triumphs require a lot of time to get, which in turn bumps up the difficulty of getting those rolls/triumphs.