Spire of the Watcher Dungeon Completion
Spire of the Watcher Dungeon Last Boss Kill
Spire of the Watcher - Solo & Flawless
TM-Cogburn Full Armor Set
Hierarchy of Needs - Exotic Combat Bow
Hierarchy of Needs - Catalyst Obtain & Completion
Spire of the Watcher - Dungeon Seal
Wilderflight - Grenade Launcher
Seventh Seraph Carabine - Auto Rifle
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Our reviews
More Info
Destiny 2's Spire of the Watcher Dungeon is an activity, which was introduced in the Season of the Seraph. Players must battle through the dungeon's treacherous halls to defeat the many encounters. This challenging dungeon offers unique rewards and powerful gear, making it a must-play for fans of the game. Don't miss out on the action - take on the Spire of the Watcher today and become a legend in the world of Destiny 2.
This dungeon is available on legendary and master(when in rotation) difficulty on all platforms: PC, XBOX, PS4/5. You can buy every service with a Sherpa (self-play) or account-sharing option (recovery). Book your Spire of the Watcher boost today!
- Legendary weapons that you get from each dungeon’s encounter;
- Spire of the Watcher Armor set - you will get armor pieces by completing encounters;
- Various triumphs
- The Hierarchy of Needs, Exotic Bow - it's a relatively new addition to energy bows which introduces a new way to use bows with its unique exotic perk, don't miss the chance to add it to your collection!
Why should I buy the Spire of the Watcher dungeon boost from you?
We’ve been in this line of work for over a decade now. We know all too well how frustrating it can be attempting to do anything through the LFG and matchmaking systems, players are impatient and groups can disband at the first sign of trouble.
We're aware that many gamers lead busy lives and don't want to waste their free time. Why spend time wiping on bosses with random groups or doing the same encounter each day, in vain? Our services will help you save time and avoid the tediousness of the daily Guardian grind.
We also offer:
- a precise and truthful estimated time of delivery
- the best possible price with high service quality
- 24/7 Livechat and Discord support that can answer any questions that you might have
You're also more than welcome to check out our Trustpilot page, we have over 33k+ 5/5 star reviews, which is proof of our high service quality and customer satisfaction.
How to get The Hierarchy of Needs, exotic bow from the Spire of the Watcher Dungeon?
To obtain The Hierarchy of Needs exotic bow in Destiny 2, players must first complete the Spire of the Watcher Dungeon, which was part of the Season of the Seraph. After completing the dungeon, players have a chance to receive The Hierarchy of Needs as a reward from the final boss.
Who is going to boost me?
We have many excellent teams at our disposal; every booster is tested before joining our company, to ensure a high-quality service. This includes boosters on every platform: PC, XBOX, PS4/PS5.
Our boosters have teams that are ready and assembled specially for boosting you through the dungeon, many of them even completed the Spire of the Watcher dungeon on Day 1. They already know secrets, weapons that are needed, optimal armor stats, mods, or which tactics to use. That means they know this dungeon in and out already, which will ensure successful and fast completion.
We also have a great roster of coaches who can teach you the ins and outs of the Spire of the Watcher dungeon, in case you want to learn the dungeon itself, and venture into the dungeon alone to tackle the hardest challenge, which is completing the dungeon solo, without dying once.
The only choice that you have to make is to decide to play together with one of our teams (Sherpa) or you will choose to do this service with account sharing(Recovery).
What happens after purchasing? Will I lose access to my account?
After you order a service, we will have to get in touch on Discord. Please join this Discord server "https://discord.gg/Sef6HKC" and then look for “BlazingBoost Destiny2#2528”. The server is supposed to be shown as empty due to privacy reasons, but you'll be able to message us since we'll be on the same server. If you're unable to send a message to our discord try sending a friend request.
Once we're in contact on Discord we'll start looking for a booster for your service and let you know as soon as one has been assigned. We'll pass you all the necessary information there and coordinate the login process. If you have any questions or are just looking for an update on your raid service, please don't hesitate to contact us.
If you paid for Sherpa (self-play) service we will make you a conference with your team on discord. Otherwise, we will find a player to play on your account if you paid for the account sharing (recovery) service. You will always be informed whenever someone uses your account.
That way you WILL NOT lose access to your account entirely, you can even play when our booster is not using your account.
Is this service safe?
Account safety is a very important part of any boosting service. As a company with long-term experience in boosting business, we pay special attention to our customer’s safety. That means we are always up to date with everything and we offer complete transparency to all our customers.
That said, Sherpa (self-play) services for Destiny 2 are 100 % safe. There is no risk involved as you will play on your account, together with our boosters. We always recommend Sherpa not only for safety but for entertainment value too. You will experience Ghosts of the Deep dungeon from the front seat, learn a lot about the strategy for this raid and the most efficient way to do it, and most importantly, have fun.
Another option that we offer is Recovery (account sharing). This means that you will leave us your account information, on the website, after the purchase. We will find a player to play for you; that player will be using a VPN to protect your account. We can guarantee that no cheats, bots, or any external software will be used while someone is on your account; and that nothing will be removed from your account without your permission.
There is a small ban risk involved, in line with a new Bungie policy, against account sharing. As previously mentioned VPN will be used to lower that risk. We encourage you to think about Sherpa orders as a 100 % safe option whenever possible. If that is not an option for you, we will do everything in our power to protect you.
What do I need to have before buying this service?
- The Current Season
- Withc Queen Deluxe Edition or have the dungeon purchased separately in the store
- Each Difficulty has it's own Power Level requirements.