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About our Trials Flawless Boost 

Trials of Osiris Flawless Runs are the endgame content for PvP Players in Destiny 2. Every Week after the daily reset on Friday, players have till the weekly reset on Tuesday to claim 7 wins in a row to unlock the Lighthouse, which awards them the weekly Pinnacle weapon. Getting 7 wins in a row is no simple task as it requires good teamwork and skills in Destiny 2.

You don’t have to worry about finding a group in an LFG server or playing solo as our dedicated boosters can carry you all the way to unlock the Lighthouse yourself. This type of service is called Sherpa and it's 100% safe - the same as if you were playing with a friend. If you prefer them to do it for you instead (Recovery) they can play even while you're sleeping or at work - we've got you covered! Buy your boost now and secure your spot in the Lighthouse today!


What are Trials Flawless Runs?

Trials of Osiris is a competitive 3v3 PvP mode reintroduced by Bungie in the Destiny 2 game within the Season of the Worthy. Trials of Osiris is the peak of Destiny 2 Competitive PvP, where the players compete to get wins in a row without losing any, to unlock a unique destination called The Lighthouse where they will get a Pinnacle Reward - Adept Weapon.

What should players buy a Trials Flawless Run in Destiny 2?

  • Players will be able to unlock the Lighthouse destination for the current week.
  • Players will be able to get the 2 Weekly Pinnacle Drop bound to Trials of Osiris. 
  • Players will be able to get 2 weekly Powerful Drops bound to Trials of Osiris.
  • Players will be able to get exclusive Armor and Weapons from Trials of Osiris gear set.
  • Players will be able to unlock several Triumphs bound to Trials of Osiris, and a unique Seal bound to Trials of Osiris, the Flawless Seal, that once completed will award players with the Flawless in-game Title.
  • Players will be able to possibly unlock unique items, such as the Ship and Sparrow from Trials of Osiris.

How to complete the Trials of Osiris in Destiny 2?

  • Trials of Osiris is a 3v3 PvP mode: players will need to play and win games in order to unlock its rewards.

Which are requirements in order to be able to earn Trials of Osiris Reward in Destiny 2?

You must have the following requirements fulfiled in order to use our Trials of Osiris services:

  • Players must have 1970+ Power Level (without the artifact) to enter Trials of Osiris.
  • A Power Level above 2000 is suggested so as not to be disadvantaged against other Guardians. Therefore, if you are below 2000+, please select the corresponding extra option.

Why is it difficult to earn Trials Flawless Rewards in Destiny 2?

  • Trials of Osiris are the peak of Destiny 2 PvP competitive: winning games is very hard since Trials of Osiris is where the best PvP Destiny 2 players will spend most of their time.