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Vex Mythoclast is the most sought-after weapon, having one of the most RNG-dependant drop rates in the game being farmed on the Vault of Glass Raid via the last boss kills. To get the Vex Mythoclast you must kill Atheon the Vault of Glass last boss every week once per guardian to roll the drop. on some weeks when Vault of Glass is on rotation you can farm the Vex Mythoclast's last boss kill multiple times on the same guardian to increase your chances of dropping the gun.


What is the difference between Sherpa and Recovery?

We have two options when it comes to our services, Either you can play with the booster and get carried with them and their team (Sherpa / Selfplay) which is 101% safe, or if you’re strapped on time and need the service completed when you’re not around we have the (Recovery / Piloted) option which lets our booster play directly on your account.

Why should I buy a Vex Mythoclast Boost in Destiny 2?

  • You'll have access to the most saught-after weapon in destiny 2.
  • Vex Mythoclast is a Fusion Rifle which has no power cap.

What are some stats for Vex Mythoclast?

  • 380 RPM
  • Uses Primary Ammo
  • Deals Solar Damage
  • Weapon Archetype
    • Timeless Mythoclast:
      • This weapon fires full auto when in its default firing mode.
    • Temporal Unlimiter
      • Defeating targets builds stacks of Overcharge
      • [Alternate Weapon Action]: Swap firing modes when fully Overcharged.
      • In alternative firing mode, hold the trigger to charge up and fire more powerful linear fusion shots.

How do you get Vex Mythoclast in Destiny 2?

To get the Vex Mythoclast you must kill Atheon the Vault of Glass last boss every week once per guardian to roll the drop.

What are the requirements for getting Vex Mythoclast in Destiny 2?

- 1350+ Power Level

- If you choose the 2nd and 3rd guardian options, all guardians need to have a 1350+ power level.

Why is it difficult to get Vex Mythoclast in Destiny 2?

Vex is heavily RNG dependent, requiring 1 to many weeks to farm it due to its low drop rate.