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Reed’s Regret is a Legendary Power Linear Fusion Rifle Released during Season of the Lost Silver and here are some facts about the weapon


  • Reload time 2.55s
  • Uses Heavy Ammo
  • Deals Stasis Damage
  • Weapon Archetype
    • Precision Frame:
      • Fires a long-range precision energy bolt. This weapon's recoil pattern is more predictably vertical.


What is the difference between Sherpa and Recovery?

We have two options when it comes to our services, Either you can play with the booster and get carried with them and their team (Sherpa / Selfplay) which is 101% safe, or if you’re strapped on time and need the service completed when you’re not around we have the (Recovery / Piloted) option which lets our booster play directly on your account

Why should I buy a Reed’s Regret Boost in Destiny 2?

  • Players will have one of the best legendary linear fusion rifles in the game for PvE and a good legendary linear fusion rifle for PvP.
  • Players will be one piece closer to completing their Trials of Osiris Gear collection.

How do you get Reed’s Regret in Destiny 2?

Players have to run Trials of Osiris, the Reed’s Regret is obtainable only from Trials Engrams which are available through Trials of Osiris Wins.

What are the requirements for getting Reed’s Regret in Destiny 2?

  • Players must own the most recently released expansion.
  • Players must have a minimum Power Level of 1550+

Why is it difficult to get Reed’s Regret in Destiny 2?

  • Trials of Osiris are the peak of Destiny 2 PvP Competitive Activities, and to get wins a very high skill level is required.
  • The Reed’s Regret is a legendary weapon, meaning that it comes with random perks when players get it. They could have to run the Trials of Osiris activity multiple times to get the desired roll.