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Crota's End is a raid originally released in Destiny 1, back in 2014. It has come back in Destiny 2 with the Season of the Witch, hence why it is indeed named a 'reprised' raid (it's being brought back by Bungie). 

The encounters are:

  • Enter the Abyss
  • Cross the bridge
  • Ir Yût, the Deathsinger
  • Crota, Son of Oryx

Crota, the last and 4th encounter, is the boss required for you to get your Necrochasm. The Master Version of the Raid has been released on the 21st of September 2023 in Destiny 2.

The Master version introduces both Challenges and Adept Weapons. By completing a Weekly Challenge in the Master Crota's End Raid, you will obtain 1 random Adept Weapon. The Raid has a specific loot protection system in place when it comes to Adept Weapons: you will drop 1 random Adept Weapon among the ones you have yet to obtain; this means, it will take 6 weeks to obtain each Adept Weapon available in Master Crota's End.

Blazing is here to assist you through it, allowing you to save tons of time and avoid toxic LFG teams that will make you waste tons of time. Raids take time and can be annoying to complete, especially when it comes to Master Raids.

On average, many of our pro players confirm that our customers are actually pretty well-geared and talented, but they lack the right fireteam to breeze through content as they often deserve. This is especially noticed during our Sherpa and Coaching services.
That's why we are very proud of our mission: make you save a lot of time and enjoy Destiny to the fullest. Busy gamers deserve to play through high end raids and we're here to provide a solution. We recommend Sherpa services to learn from our pros. 

Below is a list of some FAQs that you may find useful! 


Can I ask for a custom quote for my Master Crota's End raid boost?

Absolutely! Contact us on Discord at BlazingBoost Destiny 2#2528, or on our website's Livechat. If you want us to setup a specific order for you, we're always ready to make that happen with our custom options. 

Is Master Crota's end a hard raid in Destiny?

Bungie abosolutely delivered when they said Crota's End will be a "brutal" test before the Final Shape raid. Even on Normal difficulty, some mechanics are extremely punishing even for seasoned players - one small hick up or slip up and you will end up at the start. This is why team cohesion, communication and execution are key to both success and survival in Crota's End.

The Master Version of the Raid will be even more though, since all the players will be capped at minus 20 Power Level, and DPS-checks will be really hard.

How to kill Crota? What's the best tactic?

Killing the final boss in Crota's End requires good focus even for the best of fireteams out there. The main mechanic revolves around Crota's shield. It needs to be brought down 3 times in the so called "damage/burn" phase. To initiate this phase, 3 players are needed with the Englightened Buff (gained by holding the Chalice of Light), wielding swords from a defeated Swordbearer. 

During this phase, an Oversoul spawns behind the boss. This ghostly orb floats towards Crota and if it reaches him it wipes the raid. The gist here is to leave enough time to DPS Crota and still have enough time to kill the Oversoul. 

Combine this with the spawning ads, having to time the Oversoul kill perfectly, knowing where to move, staying outside Crota's reach and passing the Chalice of Light and you get Crota's End in it's true glory. 

In the Master Version of the Raid, Champions will be present, making this Raid even harder.

What happens after purchasing?

In general, we have to get in touch on Discord! We are always online at BlazingBoost Destiny 2#2528.

Once we get in touch, we'll explain you the basics and we'll start looking for a pro who can complete your order. Then, according to your completion method, the order will start.

  1. If you buy a Sherpa product, which we recommend for 100% safety, you will be in touch with our pro in a Discord group conference to coordinate the service completion.
  2. If you purchase a Recovery service, we will create a Discord channel in our server, where you can just exchange the login code (SMS or any other token required for our pro to login) with our pro directly. 

Who will complete my Master Crota's End Raid boost?

We work with seasoned teams and pro players who are in this industry for years. The vast majority of our pros have achieved Day 1 Raid emblems in the past, clear content very quickly, or are PvP gods. 

As you can see on our Trustpilot, we are obsessed with customers' satisfaction and services' quality. This is only achievable by carefully picking the right players who have the right mindset and take this business seriously.

All of our pros are contracted with us, regularly checked, and understand the importance of keeping every customer happy when shopping online. 

What are all the raid rewards for Crota's End?

We knew you'd ask! On this page, you can find all of them: keep in mind that Master Raid will reward you with high-stat armor from each step. To obtain 1 Adept weapon, you must complete the available Weekly Challenge, as it's the only source of Adept Weapon in the Master Crota's End Raid.

What happens concretely when I buy a Master Crota's End Sherpa raid boost?

Simply put, you will be in touch with a pro that has worked with us for years and that is routinely tested, ensuring that our quality standards are always matched.

You will be invited in game and the full raid will be completed with you alongside the team.

Our Sherpa Services can be distinguished in two types:

  1.  Standard Sherpa, which includes a standard Sherpa team who will complete the run with you. 
  2. Sherpa Elite, With the Full Elite Sherpa Team, you will be assigned to a fireteam of 4+ players who regularly play together and complete Day 1 Challenge Modes!

As your order gets assigned, you will be in touch with your team and they will schedule the run with you, at your earliest convenience. 

What are all the options for these services?

You can currently purchase these 3 main products:

  1. A full Master raid clear
  2. A Master last boss kill (Crota)
  3. A Weekly Challenge only completion (to get you your weekly Adept Weapon)

All of our products can be customized with your amount of desired Guardians, Secret Chests, Extra Speed / Priority settings and more! 

Why should I choose Sherpa instead of Recovery for my Master Crota's End raid boost?

The Sherpa version is the safest possible product for this activity. It is guaranteed to be 100% safe!

Do not trust sellers who claim that Recoveries are 100% safe just with a VPN. It cannot be guaranteed. A VPN always helps but it's not bulletproof, hence why we constantly encourage all of our users to switch to Sherpa.