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We will complete a Trials of Osiris Flawless Run (7-0) in order to obtain the Adept Reed’s Regret Linear Fusion Rifle. Players will also unlock an Adept Mod, usable only on Adept Weapons.

Trials of Osiris would usually be an activity that’s quite hard to do on your own, but by getting a boost with us it will be a breeze. Grab yourself as many rolls as you’d like and we’ll get them for you in no time at all.

Important note: we will complete the service when this weapon is available on rotation.


What is the Adept Reed’s Regret?

Reed’s Regret is one of the best legendary linear fusion rifles introduced by Bungie in Destiny 2 within the Season of the Lost, as part of the Trials of Osiris content. Adept is an enhanced version of the weapon, already masterworked and with a new unique Adept Mod slot. Adept Reed’s Regret is a legendary linear fusion rifle, meaning it has random perks when it drops (one of the best combinations of perks to look for on it is Triple Tap - Vorpal Weapon: Triple Tap will return 1 round to the magazine when landing 3 consecutive precision hits and Vorpal Weapon increased damage against Bosses, Vehicles, and Guardians with their Super active). The Adept Reed’s Regret legendary linear fusion rifle is one of the unique weapons that players can find in Trials of Osiris, as a unique reward from the Lighthouse chest. Adept Reed’s Regret is one of the best linear fusion rifles in the game once found with an appropriate roll.

Why should I buy an Adept Reed’s Regret Boost in Destiny 2?

  • Players will have one of the best legendary linear fusion rifles in the game for PvE and a good legendary linear fusion rifle for PvP.
  • Players will be one piece closer to complete their Trials of Osiris Gear collection.

How do you get an Adept Reed’s Regret in Destiny 2?

Players have to run Trials of Osiris, the Adept Reed’s Regret is obtainable only from the Lighthouse chest available through a Flawless Trials of Osiris Run (7-0).

What are the requirements for getting the Adept Reed’s Regret in Destiny 2?

  • Players must own the most recently released expansion.
  • Players must have a minimum Power Level of 1550+

Why is it difficult to get the Adept Reed’s Regret in Destiny 2?

  • Trials of Osiris are the peak of Destiny 2 PvP Competitive Activities, and to get wins a very high skill level is required.
  • The Adept Reed’s Regret is a Legendary weapon, meaning that it comes with random perks when players get it: they could have to run Trials of Osiris activity multiple times to get the desired roll.