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We will farm the desired amount of Grandmaster Nightfalls in order to obtain the Adept D.F.A for you.


To acquire the roll you want for the Adept D.F.A, you may need to make multiple attempts at clearing Grandmaster Nightfalls. By getting a boost from us you can save a lot of time and money, pick and choose between a Sherpa or a Recovery, we’ll make sure to follow through and help you get rolls of the Adept D.F.A in no time.

NOTE: We will start your order once the weapon is in rotation. If you’re unsure when the weapon will be in rotation please feel free to contact us either on LiveChat or Discord.



What is the Adept D.F.A?

The Adept D.F.A is a 140 RPM adaptive frame Hand Cannon. This automatically means that it’s a beast when it comes to PvP, the only requirement it has is getting your desired perks on it. Alongside this, as it’s an Adept weapon it can have Adept Mods applied to it making it even stronger than before. All in all The Adept D.F.A is a well-rounded Hand Cannon that everyone should want for their collection.

Why should I buy the Adept D.F.A Boost?

  • Players will be obtaining the Adept D.F.A.
  • Players will obtain an Adept Mod upon finishing the Grandmaster Nightfall.
  • Players will be saving a lot of time and money.

What are the requirements for getting the Adept D.F.A Boost?

  • Players must own the related expansion.
  • Players must be above 1595+ Power Level.

Why is it difficult to get the Adept D.F.A?

  • Grandmaster Nightfalls are one of the top PvE endgame activities, meaning that they require a lot of game knowledge.
  • The Adept D.F.A is a legendary weapon. It will most likely require multiple Grandmaster Nightfall clears in order to get your desired roll.