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We will farm the desired amount of Nightfalls: The Ordeal at Grand Master Level, in order to obtain the Adept Horror’s Least Pulse Rifle.


Depending on your options and the roll you’re looking to get for the Adept Horror’s Least this could take quite a few attempts. Get yourself a boost now and save on time by playing with our pros or letting them play for you!

NOTE: We will start your order once the weapon is in rotation. If you’re unsure when the weapon will be in rotation please feel free to contact us either on LiveChat or Discord.


What is the Adept Horror’s Least?

The Adept Horror’s Least is an old Pulse Rifle that has recently returned. The Pulse Rifle is infamous due to a bug causing it to be at 0 Power Level instead of the minimum Power Level cap for the respective season. Despite this the Adept Horror’s Least is a pretty decent Pulse Rifle with some great rolls, it’s a rapid-fire frame meaning that it’s extremely good for both PvP and PvE content alike.

Why should I buy the Adept Horror’s Least Boost?

  • Players will be obtaining the Adept Weapon.
  • Players will obtain an Adept Mod upon finishing the Grandmaster Nightfall.
  • Players will be saving a lot of time and money.

What are the requirements for getting the Adept Horror’s Least Boost?

  • Players must own the Forsaken Expansion. *The Expansion is free on some platforms.
  • Players need to be above 1605+ Power Level.

Why is it difficult to get the Adept Horror’s Least?

  • Grand Master Nightfalls are one of the top PvE endgame activities, meaning that they require a lot of game knowledge.
  • The Adept Horror’s Least is a legendary weapon, meaning that it comes with random perks when players get it. This could require multiple Grand Master runs to obtain the roll players desire.